Thursday, 4 July 2013

Does size really matter?

This is a photo of me prior to my first marriage in 1974.  I had just turned nineteen and I weighed 105 pounds.   I did not think I was pretty when I was younger.   Age is a great leveler I think . . . because I look at that now and think I was quite beautiful in many ways . . . I did not eat a lot when I was younger.   You could see the bones at the top of my chest and I liked that . . . I had had a pudgy stage for a couple of years when I was about 13 and so once I lost that extra baby fat, I was determined not to ever be plump again.

Best laid plans . . .

I had had three children by this time and as you can see my youngest was about nine or ten months old.  I was still not a large person and watched my weight very carefully.   In fact I weighed less after I had my second child than I had done before I had gotten pregnant.   I did not have a healthy attitude towards food or pregnancy . . .

This is me after I had my fifth child, about 24 and a half years ago.  He was only about 9 months old.   I was still not large as you can see . . . that did not last.  I had my tubes tied a few months later and quit smoking because my son was Asthmatic.   Quitting smoking was the hardest thing I ever did in my life.   Initially I put on about 15 pounds and so I started smoking again.   Of course the weight did not come off and so I quit again and that time it stuck . . . 24 and a half years later and I still do not smoke . . .

Unfortunately through that time I discovered a whole new woman . . . in fact several new women, and they have all attached themselves to the outside of my body.  Year after year, layer after layer.

This is me about 13 years ago now.   I am a lot larger than I was when I was 34, but still not bad.   I am ashamed to say that I weigh even more than that now.

The past twenty four years have been a battle of wills and weights . . . I have come to discover that I am really good at taking weight off, but I am even better at putting it back on and at the end of every successful diet I end up larger than before.

I have tried every diet under the sun and they work for a time, but I really think there is a reason that the word diet begins with the word "die," because every time I go on a diet a little bit of me dies . . . because I fail in the long run.   Every.   Single.  Time.

I have tried hypnotherapy and that has worked really well . . . three times to be exact.   But once again, the weight has always come back on after a time, and I have ended up weighing more than ever.

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This is me a couple of months ago when I was home to Canada in April/May of this year.  This was April 21st to be exact.   As you can see I am larger than ever and it gets me down.

I love food.   I love cooking it.   I love feeding my friends and loved ones.   I love reading about it.  I love watching food television.   I love cookbooks.   I love eating it . . . oh boy do I love eating it.

I have an unhealthy attitude towards food.    I am almost always hungry.   I know all of the ins and outs of good nutrition, and can tell you almost anything you need to know about dieting and healthy diets . . . I am a total failure when it comes to putting all of my knowledge into practice . . .

I need to lose at least fifty pounds if not more.   I have high blood pressure for which I have been on medication since I was forty years old.  I will never come off that.   I am on high cholesterol medication, which I also will probably not come off.   I have osteo arthritis in my back, hips and knees . . . which I know is exacerbated by the extra weight that I carry.   There are no two ways about it.  I need to lose weight.

It is killing me.  I need help.  Now.  Before I have type 2 diabetes.  Before I have a heart attack and die prematurely.   I do not like feeling weak and powerless.   I am not weak and powerless.

There is an addiction program at our church on Thursday evenings.  I think I need to go and sign up because I am addicted.  Enough is enough.   Maybe God can help me . . .

Size does matter . . . when it comes down to being healthy, and I am sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.

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